Like the icing on a cake, notions and trim finish off your masterpiece. Add a little or a lot depending on your mood. How much is too much trim? Well I guess it would depend on the kind of reaction you get out in the world. But do you / should you care what they […]
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Our personal favorite store is Anthropologie. They seem to find a way to melt vintage with modern, light and dark and any and all juxtaposing designs so seamlessly.
Fashion extends from your closet and into your home and lifestyle. It embodies your emotions, confidence, femininity, masculinity, and more. Express yourself with your fashion choice.
So many choices, for so many projects. The dilemma is where to start. Adding these trims to the side or cuff of jeans is plenty to create a bold statement to let them know how brave you are.
Why I love trim! There is nothing more feminine than lace, velvet and satin. Life is more fun with trim From wedding gowns to everyday t-shirts; trim has a home. Applications for home decor.
We have a rare collection of metallic trim that not only has been preserved so well through all these years, but with such unique designs they ought to be framed.
If you start with a neutral tone, it is always easier to get louder. But be careful, sometimes a pop of loud is all you need. No judging here though.
A little trim goes a long way. Starting with your first trim project? Use a “throw” blanket and border it with trim. If you made a mistake, it’s just a “throw” anyway.